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Location Geocoding Update in Manage Institution
The geocoding has been updated for all locations that had tract changes in 2022. For those locations, we created a new version of the location with the new geocoding. For example, the branch below had a tract change in 2022, so a new entry for the location was added to reflect the correct geocoding.
RiskExec Status Update on 2022 Census Data
We would like to give you an update on the status of the 2022 Census data that will be used for HMDA and CRA submissions in 2023.
There have been a few data releases in the last few weeks:
Peer Analysis Module
Peer Finder Update
Users can now set a Respondent Type filter when utilizing the Peer Finder.
Fair Lending Module
Sex Proxy Update
An update has been added to the Sex Proxy function.
Assessment Areas Module
Locked Assessment Area Sets
A tooltip has been added to the padlock icon on locked assessment area sets.
HMDA and CRA Modules
Searching for Data in User-Defined Fields
*Note: This must be enabled by the RiskExec team. Please send in a support ticket if you would like to utilize this feature.
Users can now use the search bar in the HMDA or CRA module to search for records using a value found in a User-Defined Field (UDF).
Explore RiskExec's full suite advantages and the many benefits of our flexible, easy-to-use browser-based SaaS solution for all lending portfolios.