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RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements:
Redlining Module
Tracts List Report: Additional Analysis Measures
If you select any of the below Analysis Measures when setting up your Advanced Redlining Analysis, they will now be included in the Tracts List report in the Analysis Results. Previously, only LMI and MMCT were included in this report.
In the below example, LMI, MMCT, MHCT, MBCT, and MBHCT were chosen as measures to be included in this analysis.
Clicking on a hyperlinked geography name under the Assessment Area column will bring up the Tracts List report for that geography.
Only Include Respondents with Branches
The option to only include respondents with branches in the geographical area has been added to the Streamlined Analysis setup screen. If this option is selected, the analysis results will only include respondents with physical branches in the Assessment Area Set selected in the setup screen.
NOTE: This branch data comes from the FDIC Summary of Deposits (SOD) so it only applies to institutions that report this data, which are primarily depositories. If you select this option, then by default, all non-depositories will be removed from the list of peers in the Redlining analysis. This note has been added to both the Advanced and Streamlined Analysis setup screens.
Assessment Area/ REMA and Peer Analysis Modules
Batch Processing
Batch Processing is now available for all reports in the Assessment Areas Module and has been enabled for the Peer Analysis reports listed below. For more information on this functionality, see the Assessment Area Set and Assessment Area Reports: Batch Processing and Peer Reports: Batch Processing articles in the Help Center.
Assessment Area Module
Create Assessment Area Units
The Create Units screen has been updated. The include/exclude options are now radio buttons instead of a drop down menu and the Include in Assessment Area option is selected by default.
Tracts Demographics Report
The Majority-Asian Census Tract (MACT) designation has been added as a column to the Tracts Demographics Report.
HMDA and CRA Modules
Branch List Report
Users can now filter this report by Location Type. This report has also been updated to include columns for the Open and Closed dates.
Fair Lending Module
Difference of Means: Test Threshold
As there is no approved amount for differences (e.g. interest rate, APR, fees) between protected and non-protected groups, the Test Threshold has been removed from the Difference of Means analysis setup and all differences will populate in the analysis results.
Explore RiskExec's full suite advantages and the many benefits of our flexible, easy-to-use browser-based SaaS solution for all lending portfolios.