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RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements:
Redlining Module
New Analysis Measure: Ad Hoc User Filter
Users now have the ability to perform a Redlining Analysis on a measure of their own. This can be accomplished by selecting the Ad hoc user filter option in the Select Analysis Measures screen. The drop down for this feature includes all Filters created by any of the Institution’s users such that the filter can be successfully applied to the Redlining dataset and all the Peer data for the module. For example, if there are saved filters in the HMDA module, and the dataset is HMDA data, the filter list will include those filters.
Note: The filter must be applicable for both the data in the redlining dataset and the data in peer. Hence, a filter that includes applicant name will not appear in the filter list because applicant name is not included in peer data.
Fair Lending, Fair Servicing, and Batch Geocoding Modules
Proxy Results Report
A Proxy Results report has been added to the Fair Lending, Fair Servicing, and Batch Geocoding modules.
HMDA, CRA, and 1071 Modules
Edit Check Summary/Validation Summary Search Bar
Users are now able to use a search bar to quickly find a specific edit check in the Edit Check Summary Report. The search bar will search the edit check descriptions and narrow the list of displayed Edits such that the Search text is included in the edit descriptions.
Record List Search Bar
Users are now able to use a search bar to quickly find a specific record in any record list in RiskExec. This feature can search for all text fields and all numeric values that are stored as text (zip codes, census tracts, etc.) that are included in the Report Format. Searches will begin after at least three characters are entered into the search bar.
Explore RiskExec's full suite advantages and the many benefits of our flexible, easy-to-use browser-based SaaS solution for all lending portfolios.