Explore RiskExec's full suite advantages and the many benefits of our flexible, easy-to-use browser-based SaaS solution for all lending portfolios.
CRA Module
Regulatory Reports
RiskExec has added a set of reports that analyze the percentage of mortgage loans by income tract classification (low, moderate, middle and upper), located within your linked HMDA file.
Additional reports covering small business and small farm loans have also been added.
Additional calculations for Aggregate Performance of a CRA file measured against the CRA Peer Data have also been added to the Geographic Distribution of Small Business and Small Farms Reports.
HMDA and CRA Modules
Edit a Field Batch Operation Update
Users can now use the Edit a Field batch operation to check a checkbox. To use this operation, select a field from the Field dropdown that is the checkbox field type and then select either Checked or Unchecked as the Value.
Explore RiskExec's full suite advantages and the many benefits of our flexible, easy-to-use browser-based SaaS solution for all lending portfolios.