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RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements:
CRA+ Module
The CRA+ module is being developed to house the capabilities required to comply with the CRA Final Rule. As you will notice, the module has been added to the main landing page and the initial version of the module is targeted to be released in Q1 of 2025. This new module was featured during our annual webinar, RiskExec Connect. To view the details shared during that event, watch the recording here. Please note, the CRA+ module is a separate module with distinct pricing. To subscribe or to request more information, please contact us at info@riskexec.com
1071 SBL Module
Dynamic Import Wizard: Alternate Identifier
The Dynamic Importer has a number of capabilities that allow you to update some or all records in a file. To accomplish this, a specific field is needed to be identified that allows the RiskExec system to understand which RiskExec record(s) to update. In newer modules, such as the 1071 SBL module, the Application Number and/or Unique Identifier is not sufficient as the only record identifier option. Therefore, RiskExec has been enhanced to add a new core field called Alternate Identifier. Now when importing with the Partial Update, Append - Use Old, or Append - Use New import types, users can choose Application Number, Unique Identifier, or Alternate Identifier for record matching.
This new Alternate Identifier RiskExec field is located on the Other tab of the Application Detail page. Once data has been imported into the Alternate Identifier field, that field can then be used for record matching for future imports.
Peer Analysis Module
Rankings by Respondent Report
This report has been updated to include Combined Race/Ethnicity as a category.
HMDA, CRA, and 1071 SBL Modules
File Crosstab Report
This report will no longer display data labels by default.
If a user would like to turn on data labels, check the box next to Include Data Labels.
Property Value Field
The Property Value field in the HMDA module has been updated to accommodate up to two decimal places. This field has also been updated in the HMDA data found in the Peer Analysis, Redlining, and Fair Lending modules.
Explore RiskExec's full suite advantages and the many benefits of our flexible, easy-to-use browser-based SaaS solution for all lending portfolios.