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The Arizona legislature recently amended its recording fees, effective June 30, 2019. The Arkansas legislature recently amended the Fair Mortgage Lending Act (the “Act”). It also amended its laws to require closing agents to provide certain disclosures when closing a transaction involving rural and agricultural properties and amended its Personal Information Protection Act. The Arkansas legislation discussed is effective June 13, 2019.
For recording papers required or authorized by law to be recorded, if the fee is not otherwise specified, the fee is now a flat fee of $30 (previously $5 for the first five pages plus $1 for each additional page not to exceed $250). Recording of deeds, deeds of trust or mortgages, and releases are now included in the flat rate of $30.
The Act now includes an option for a “transitional loan officer license” which is a license that:
Accordingly, the definition of “Applicant” and “Licensee” now includes a transitional loan officer.
A transitional loan officer license terminates when:
The amendment also revises the exemption for manufactured home retailers by adding the following requirements to be exempt:
A closing agent must provide a written disclosure statement before or at the time of closing a real estate transaction that makes a buyer of real property aware that:
A cause of action will not arise against and liability will not be imposed upon a closing agent or a closing agent's employer due to a failure to provide a buyer of real property the written disclosure statement required above.
"Biometric Data" means data generated by automatic measurements of an individual's biological characteristics, including without limitation:
If a breach of the security of a system affects the personal information of more than 1,000 individuals, the person or business required by state law to make a disclosure of the security breach must, at the same time the security breach is disclosed to an affected individual or within 45 days after the person or business determines that there is a reasonable likelihood of harm to customers, whichever occurs first, disclose the security breach to the Attorney General.
A person or business must retain a copy of the written determination of a breach of the security of a system and supporting documentation for five years from the date of determination of the breach of the security of the system. If the Attorney General submits a written request for the written determination of the breach of the security of the system, the person or business must send a copy of the written determination of the breach of the security of the system and supporting documentation to the Attorney General no later than 30 days after the date of receipt of the request. The determination and documentation retained under this provision are confidential and not subject to public disclosure.
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