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The Arizona legislature recently adjusted the licensing fees paid to the Department of Financial Institutions and amended its law related to data security breaches. Both bills discussed in this memorandum are effective July 16, 2018.
The following nonrefundable fees are payable to the Department of Financial Institutions:
“Breach” or “Security System Breach” means an unauthorized acquisition of and unauthorized access that materially compromises the security or confidentiality of unencrypted and unredacted computerized personal information maintained as part of a database of personal information regarding multiple individuals. It does not include a good faith acquisition of personal information by a person’s employee or agent for the purposes of the person if the personal information is not used for a purpose unrelated to the person and is not subject to further unauthorized disclosure.
“Encrypt” means to use a process to transform data into a form that renders the data unreadable or unusable without using a confidential process or key.
“Individual” means a resident of Arizona who has a principal mailing address in Arizona as reflected in the records of the person conducting business in Arizona at the time of the breach.
“Nationwide Consumer Reporting Agency”: means a consumer reporting agency that compiles and maintains file on consumers on a nationwide basis. It does not include a nationwide specialty consumer reporting agency.
“Person” means a natural person, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association, joint venture, government or governmental subdivision or agency or any other legal or commercial entity. It does not include the Department of Public Safety, a county sheriff’s department, a municipal police department, a prosecution agency or a court.
“Personal Information” means any of the following:
Personal Information does not include publicly available information that is lawfully made available to the general public from federal, state or local government records or widely distributed data.
“Prosecution Agency” means the Attorney General, a county attorney or a municipal prosecutor.
“Redact” means to alter or truncate a number so that not more than the last four digits are accessible and at least two digits have been removed.
“Security Incident” means an event that creates reasonable suspicion that a person’s information systems or computerized data may have been compromised or that measures put in place to protect the person’s information systems or computerized data may have failed.
“Specified Data Element” means any of the following:
If a person that conducts business in Arizona and that owns, maintains, or licenses unencrypted and unredacted computerized personal information becomes aware of a security incident, the person must conduct an investigation to promptly determine whether there has been a security system breach.
If the investigation results in a determination that there has been a security system breach, the person that owns or licenses the computerized data, within forty-five days after the determination, must:
A person that maintains unencrypted and unredacted computerized personal information that the person does not own or license must notify, as soon as practicable, the owner or licensee of the information on discovering any security system breach and cooperate with the owner or the licensee of the personal information including sharing information relevant to the breach with the owner or licensee. The person that maintains the data under an agreement with the owner or licensee is not required to provide the notifications required unless the agreement stipulates otherwise.
The required notifications may be delayed if a law enforcement agency advises the person that the notifications will impede a criminal investigation. After being informed by the law enforcement agency that the notifications no longer compromise the investigation, the person must make the required notifications, as applicable, within forty-five days.
The required notification must include at least the following:
The notice must be provided by one of the following methods:
If a breach involves an individual’s electronic signature for an online account and does not involve an individual’s first name or first initial and last name in combination with one or more data elements, the person may comply with the notice requirement by providing the notification in an electronic or other form that directs the individual whose personal information has been breached to promptly change the individual’s password and security question or answer, as applicable, or to take other steps that are appropriate to protect the online account with the person and all other online accounts for which the individual whose personal information had been breached uses the same user name and e-mail address and password or security question or answer. If the breach of personal information is for login credentials of an e-mail account furnished by the person, the person is not required to provide the notification to that e-mail address, but may comply by providing notification by another approved method or by providing clear and conspicuous notification delivered to the individual online when the individual is connected to the online account from an internet protocol address or online location from which the person knows the individual customarily accesses the account. The person satisfies the notification requirement by requiring the individual to reset the individual’s password or security question and answer for that account if the person also notifies the individual to change the same password or security question and answer for all other online accounts for which the individual uses the same user name or e-mail address and password or security question or answer.
A person that maintains the person’s own notification procedures as part of an information security policy for the treatment of personal information and that is otherwise consistent with the requirements of these provisions, including the forty-five day notification period, is deemed to be in compliance with the notification requirements if the person notifies subject individuals in accordance with the person’s policies if a security system breach occurs.
A person is not required to make the required notification if the person, an independent third-party forensic auditor or a law enforcement agency determines after a reasonable investigation that a security system breach has not resulted in or is not reasonably likely to result in substantial economic loss to affected individuals.
Except for notifications provided to individuals affected by a security system breach, notifications provided to the Arizona Attorney General are confidential and are exempt from disclosure.
Knowing and willful violation of these provisions is an unlawful practice, and only the Arizona Attorney General may enforce such a violation by investigating and taking appropriate action. The Arizona Attorney General may impose a civil penalty for a violation not to exceed the lesser of $10,000 per affected individual or the total amount of economic loss sustained by affected individuals but the maximum civil penalty from a breach or series of related breaches may not exceed $500,000. This does not prevent the Arizona Attorney General from recovering restitution for affected individuals.
These provisions do not apply to either of the following:
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