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The Utah legislature has recently amended its mortgage loan originator licensing laws to allow temporary authority, the law setting recording fees; the law regarding notices filed with the State Construction Registry (“Registry”); the laws allowing remote notarization and liability for notarial acts of an employee. All the laws discussed are effective May 13, 2019.
An individual is temporarily authorized to act as a mortgage loan originator if:
Temporary authorization for an individual who meets the requirements:
An individual with temporary authorization or a person employing an individual with temporary authorization are subject to the same requirements as if the individual was licensed in Utah as a mortgage loan originator
The recording fee for a standard instrument is now $40 (previously $10). A county recorder may not charge more than one recording fee for each instrument, regardless of whether the instrument bears multiple descriptive titles or includes one or more attachments as part of the instrument.
In addition, each county must accept and provide for electronic recording of instruments by January 1, 2022.
A property owner may file with the State Construction Registry (“Registry”) a notice of intent to finance which must state:
If an owner chooses to file a notice of intent to finance, it must be filed no less than 14 days before the date on which the financing is anticipated to occur. If the financing does not occur within 30 days after the anticipated date specified in the notice of intent to finance, the notice of intent to finance will automatically have no effect and must be removed from the Registry.
After a notice of intent to finance is filed on a project property,
each subcontractor that has filed a preliminary notice pertaining to the
project property may file with the Registry a final lien waiver. The final lien waiver may be filed on the Registry
even if no notice of intent to finance was filed on the registry.
The Utah legislature recently amended its laws to create liability for an employer of a notary public in certain cases. Employers are now liable for damages proximately caused by an employee notary’s misconduct in performing a notarization if the notary public was acting within the course and scope of the notary public’s employment and the employer had knowledge of, consented to, or permitted the misconduct.
The Notaries Public Reform Act has been amended to allow notarizations to be performed remotely.
“Electronic recording” means the audio and video recording of a remote notarization.
“Electronic seal” means an electronic version of the notarial seal that a remote notary may attach to a notarial certificate to complete a remote notarization.
“In the presence of the notary” means that an individual:
For a remote notarization only, a third party’s affirmation of an individual’s identity by means of the following will provide satisfactory evidence of identity:
A notary must obtain a remote notary certification in order to perform remote notarizations. A remote notary who receives a remote notary certification may perform a remote notarization if the remote notary is physically located in Utah.
A remote notary that performs a remote notarization for an individual that is not personally known to the notary must, at the time the remote notary performs the remote notarization, establish satisfactory evidence of identity for the individual by:
A remote notary must:
A lawfully performed remote notarization satisfies any provision of state law that requires an individual to personally appear before, or be in the presence of, a notary at the time the notary performs a notarial act.
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