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RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements: Fair Lending Forum You are cordially invited to the Fair Lending Forum in Charlotte, NC on May 2- 4. Admission is FREE. If you have already registered, we look forward to meeting you! If you haven't, space is limited so please register as soon as possible. Click here to register. 2022 Census Data On March 17, 2022, the US Census Bureau released the tract level detailed data from the 2020 U.S. Census and the ACS-5 as it applies to it. RiskExec has extracted the data from the U.S. Census APIs, converted it, and reviewed the data. It is now loaded into RiskExec for immediate use. Users are able to geocode their 2022 files using this data and will be able to obtain markers like LMI and MMCT, etc. We believe this data will be very close to the final 2022 FFIEC Census File and therefore this release will provide a fairly robust interim solution to the users for all reports in RiskExec. When the FFIEC/CFPB releases the final full file we will update RiskExec and notify you if there are significant differences from this release. Peer Analysis Module 2021 HMDA Peer Data The 2021 HMDA Peer Modified LARs were released by the CFPB on Mar 23, 2022 and are now loaded into RiskExec for immediate use. HMDA Rankings By Respondent Report The HMDA Rankings By Respondent Report has been updated to include Borrower LMI/Non-LMI as an option for Category. The Borrower LMI is a combination of Low/Moderate and Borrower Non-LMI is a combination of Middle/Upper. Assessment Areas Module Users now have the ability to add notes when creating or editing an Assessment Area or Assessment Set. Type your notes in the Comments box when creating your Assessment Set or Assessment Area. Maps Users now have the ability to turn off the color completely for map themes. To do so, a user will need to adjust the opacity of a theme by clicking on the pencil icon in the theme legend. Then, you can slide the opacity tool bar to the left to turn off the color for that theme |
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