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RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements:
Users can now create files, datasets, and Assessment Area Sets for 2023.
Update Dataset: Ability to Append Data
Users can now append data to existing datasets using the Dynamic Import Wizard. To update a dataset, click on the Update Dataset option and choose Dynamic Import Wizard.
Three new append options will now be available.
Filtering Reports
Users now have the ability to filter a Fair Lending Dataset’s Record List under Fair Lending Reports before running the report.
New Report: Average Processing Time
A new dataset report has been added called Average Processing Time.
This report highlights which protected classes experienced longer processing times than the control group.
Manage Users: Reactivate Deleted User Accounts
Primary Users can now reactivate previously deleted user accounts. To reactivate a user's account that was previously deleted from RiskExec, check the box next to the Show Deactivated Users? column header.
You will now see all users that have ever been added to RiskExec for your institution. To reactivate a deleted user's account, click on the arrow next to their account.
Geocoding Locations
When geocoding a location in Manage Institution, the geocoding will be performed based upon the Census Tract boundaries as defined in the year specified in the End Year field of the location. Previously, the geocoding was based on the current year, regardless of the End Year provided.
New Report: National Community Development By State
This report is available for Respondent Group and National Peer Sets. It groups the Respondents in your Peer Set by state and ranks them by their Community Development lending within their respective states.
Banking Markets Layer Update
The Banking Markets map layer has been updated to match the definitions of the Federal Reserve System that were released on December 17, 2022. The data is provided by CASSIDI - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, https://cassidi.stlouisfed.org
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