Take charge of your submission with RiskExec's CRA Module.

Streamline cleanup for CRA data and manage your submission process with RiskExec’s CRA module software.

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CRA RiskExec module
RiskExec CRA Screenshot

CRA Analytics & Exam Preparation

  • Generate clean submission files for CRA.
  • Prepare for regulatory examinations by analyzing trends and performance; percentages of lending inside vs. outside assessment areas; peer analysis of market share reports; performance evaluation tables; and more.

Assessment Areas, REMAs & Mapping

  • Create custom assessment areas or reasonably expected marketing areas (REMAs) down to the tract level.
  • Understand where your customers are, identify gaps in activity, and recognize opportunities for community outreach directly on the map by plotting your lending.
RiskExec Geocoded Address CRA

In-Module Geocoding Resources

  • Ping multiple sources to ensure the highest geocoding hit rate with RiskExec’s multi-layered geocoder.
  • Access an additional manual pin-point geocoder within RiskExec’s embedded mapping tool.

Data Auditing & Permissions

  • Lock down files and govern access to other functions in the software with RiskExec’s permission settings.
  • Track changes made to records as an Administrative user.
Social Security Lock - December 2024

Dynamic Importing

  • Import data from multiple sources into RiskExec.
  • Schedule imports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, or perform them ad-hoc.

Peer Analysis

  • Run market share analysis on public CRA data.
  • Create custom peer groups to compare your performance to other similar institutions, and identify gaps and opportunities.

Streamlined Submission for CRA

Unlimited Licenses 

Backed by Industry Leading Expertise

No Software to Install or Maintain

User Friendly & Intuitive

Automatic Updates with Latest Government Data

Want to learn more about RiskExec? Connect with
our experts today.

(804) 977-1804

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