RiskExec Product Release Notes - January 22, 2019

January 22, 2019
HMDA & CRA Expanded Tract Categories Users can now utilize expanded tract categories in the filter capabilities directly within the HMDA and CRA modules. The filter now includes options for Majority Minority Census Tracts (MMCT), Majority-Black Census Tracts (MBCT), Majority-Hispanic Census Tracts (MHCT), Majority-Black-Hispanic Census Tracts (MBHCT), along with all corresponding High tract categories (tracts […]


Expanded Tract Categories

Users can now utilize expanded tract categories in the filter capabilities directly within the HMDA and CRA modules. The filter now includes options for Majority Minority Census Tracts (MMCT), Majority-Black Census Tracts (MBCT), Majority-Hispanic Census Tracts (MHCT), Majority-Black-Hispanic Census Tracts (MBHCT), along with all corresponding High tract categories (tracts with >80% concentration).

Merge Files Capability

If an institution manages data in separated file structures, e.g. quarterly data files or separate files for each line of business, the data will need to be combined before creating the final LAR submission file. The Merge File button will allow users to select files from a list to combine the data into a single LAR submission file.

Dynamic Import

For users wishing to create their own import definitions, a Dynamic Import capability has been made available. Authorized users can select this import type and complete a data mapping exercise to create a new format based on the uploaded file’s structure.

Please note the Merge Files and Dynamic Import features are restricted permissions. In order to receive access to either of these features, a primary user will need to specify the individuals to be granted this permission in an email to riskexec.support@asurity.com.


Crosstab for Combined HMDA & CRA Reporting

In the CRA module, users can now review a combined cross-tab report inclusive of both HMDA and CRA data. In order to review this combination a CRA file must be properly affiliated with a specified HMDA file in the File Setup screen, and the checkbox to “Include HMDA Data” must be selected.

Parity Calculations in Core Tables

Users can now view a comparison percentage in the Interagency Core Tables in both the HMDA and CRA modules. By checking the “Display Parity %” box, an additional column will appear indicating the institution’s performance as a percentage of the corresponding demographic comparison percentage.


Analysis Set Up Reconfiguration

The factor selection process of a new analysis set up has been modified such that a user can select a target Redlining Analysis measure to be included across all Redlining Factors. A control for peer year affecting the peer and market data has also been included in the initial setup screen.

Fair Lending

Significance Highlighting

The highlighting in the fair lending module has been updated to include an indicator when a statistically significant disparity favors the protected class. If the result appears in a green highlight, it generally means the protected class is receiving a favorable treatment. The previous orange highlighting remains if the significance is generally unfavorable. Users should be aware this interpretation of favorability is dependent upon model set up and use appropriate model-based interpretation when reviewing results.

Maps 2.0

Default Themes at the Institution Level

When saving a customized map, including those containing modified layer and theme coloring, a user can now choose to make the customizations the default map. Institution admins can also set an institution default for all users with access to Maps 2.0. This enhancement allows institutions desiring custom colorization to ensure the same colors are used across all users.

Layer Enhancements

Users can now select a layer displaying the ATM locations and the water layer can now be customized to a preferred color and fill opacity.

Theme Enhancements

Maps 2.0 now includes themes for the High (>80%) tract categories. These maps are also included in the Redlining Analysis module when a High category is included in a review.

Goals Module

A new module is now available for institutions to set target goal metrics and track performance of lending activity throughout a specified date range. This module will evaluate institution performance across various goal categories such as lending in LMI tracts or to Low Income Borrowers or a variety of additional targets a user can choose to include. Training on usage of this new module will be provided after this submission season during the first week of March. Options to reserve your space at this training will be sent for this event at a later date.

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