Explore RiskExec's full suite advantages and the many benefits of our flexible, easy-to-use browser-based SaaS solution for all lending portfolios.
Fair Lending Module
Attaching Assessment Area Sets to Datasets
Users are now able to add or change the Assessment Area Set attached to any geocoded dataset.
Dataset Search Bar
Users can now quickly locate a specific Fair Lending dataset in the Datasets list by using a search bar.
HMDA Module
File Comparison Report
Users can now review and compare up to six files at once using the File Comparison report.
New Batch Operation: Generate ULI From LEI in Database
A new Batch Operation has been added that allows a user to generate the ULI for records by using an LEI that has been stored in a User-Defined Field, instead of the institution's own LEI. CAUTION: As per HMDA regulation, every record in a submission LAR should use the LEI of the submitting Institution unless the loan is Loan Action 6. Please be cautious when using this batch operation.
HMDA and CRA Modules
Edit a Field Batch Operation
The Edit a field Batch Operation has been updated to allow a user to update a field with the data from another field.
Audited Quality Checks Report
Users now have the ability to sort by any of the column headers in the Audited Quality Checks report.
Assessment Areas/REMA Module
Housing Data by Tract Report
A new column has been added to the Housing Data by Tract report that shows the median housing value for each census tract.
Explore RiskExec's full suite advantages and the many benefits of our flexible, easy-to-use browser-based SaaS solution for all lending portfolios.