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RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements:
FFIEC MSA, CBSA, and County Updates for 2024
RiskExec has been updated to reflect the new MSAs, CBSAs, and Counties, as designated by the FFIEC, beginning in 2024. Of particular note are the changes to MSAs and CBSAs and the new Connecticut counties.
Redlining Module
Analysis Results Summary Update
The coloring of the Analysis Results Summary tab has been updated to indicate when the p-Value is NA. If the p-Value is NA, the cell will now be colored gray.
The p-Value will display as NA when it is unable to be calculated. Examples of when a p-Value cannot be calculated include when a specified measure is not located in a particular geography and/or there is no performance of the peer/market for a specified measure.
CRA Module
New OCC PE Tables
Two new OCC PE tables have been added. They are the Lending Activity (Number of Loans and Dollar Volume of Loans) report and the Table D - Lending Inside and Outside Assessment Area report.
Peer Analysis Module
View Parameters Update
The View Parameters screen will now include the Respondent Type of each Respondent. The Peer Finder Criteria will also reflect the Respondent Types that were selected.
Explore RiskExec's full suite advantages and the many benefits of our flexible, easy-to-use browser-based SaaS solution for all lending portfolios.