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RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements:
Peer Analysis Module
Respondent List Report
LEI has been added as an additional column in this report.
Dynamic Import Wizard
Importing Type of Loan in CRA
Values imported for Type of Loan will now import as two characters, by default. For example, if you import a .csv using the Dynamic Import Wizard, but your Type of Loan data is a single character, it will import as two characters.
In the example below, you can see that the Type of Loan Source Value in the uploaded .csv is 1 and the Dynamic Import Wizard has automatically converted it to 01 - Small Business as the RiskExec Value.
Preserving the Change Log
Previously, when the below import types were used to update a file in RiskExec, the change log for an updated record would be deleted.
Now, the Change Log history for any records being updated using these import types will be preserved for import formats that were built using the Dynamic Importer.
Note: If Replace File Part is used, the Change Log will not record this as this import type deletes all records in a file part and replaces the records with new data.
Imports That Require Further Review
The Import Report will now display in an orange color when an import was completed, but has issues with the import that need to be reviewed by the user. In the example below, the import completed, but six records in the uploaded file were not imported.
HMDA Module
Exporting the HMDA LAR
The Loan Application Register (LAR) report under Compliance reports has been deprecated. To export your HMDA file in the regulatory HMDA LAR format, use the Regulatory HMDA LAR Annual option in the Export tab.
2024 A Guide to HMDA Reporting It Right!
The 2024 A Guide to HMDA Reporting It Right! is now available on the FFIEC's website. Click here to access the guide.
Fair Lending Module
Collinearity Notes in Decisioning Regressions
The Analysis Notes for decisioning regressions have been updated to report when certain variables are identified as 100% collinear. This occurs when variables in an analysis have the same distribution of outcomes despite having potentially different variable criteria. The notes will indicate that the user is required to drop at least one of the collinear variables in order for the regression analysis to properly complete.
Explore RiskExec's full suite advantages and the many benefits of our flexible, easy-to-use browser-based SaaS solution for all lending portfolios.