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RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements:
The FDIC Summary of Deposits and NCUA Call Report Branch Location files have been loaded into RiskExec. Both data files are through June 30, 2024. They can be accessed by setting up a new Deposits Peer Set for 2024.
Import Operations
A new screen has been added to the Dynamic Import Wizard that allows the user to perform two new types of operations when importing their data files. On the Dynamic Importer: Import Operations screen, click on New Operation.
Here, you will choose the Operation Type you would like to use.
Fixed Value Rule
The ability to set a fixed value for a specified field has been moved to a different area in the Dynamic Import Wizard.
Before this update, users would set fixed value rules by selecting a field that has not yet been mapped and entering the value it should default to during import. In the below example, the Pre-approval field will be set to a value of 2 for all records imported. Now, users will set fixed value rules on the Dynamic Importer: Review & Edit Mapping screen of the Dynamic Import Wizard.
Executive Summary Report
The Combined Race/Ethnicity and CFPB Derived Sex have been added to the Executive Summary report.
Crosstab Report
The Combined Race/Ethnicity and CFPB Derived Sex fields have been added to the Crosstab report in the HMDA module and for HMDA datasets in the Fair Lending and Redlining modules.
Learn more about how this integration can help you save time and become more efficient.
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