RiskExec Product Release Notes - April 8, 2019

April 8, 2019
Maps 2.0 Enhanced Search Capabilities The search feature within Maps 2.0 has now been updated to allow users to search by Assessment Area Set and individual Assessment Areas to zoom straight to a specified area. Record Display An edit option has been added to the record level such that you can now increase or decrease […]

Maps 2.0

Enhanced Search Capabilities

The search feature within Maps 2.0 has now been updated to allow users to search by Assessment Area Set and individual Assessment Areas to zoom straight to a specified area.

Record Display

An edit option has been added to the record level such that you can now increase or decrease the diameter of your record marker. This feature can be helpful to define locations when high lending concentrations are present in an individual geography. Additionally you can now change the data point the records represent from the standard loan action to loan type, loan purpose, owner occupancy or the Applicant GMI fields.

Location Icons & Labels

The branches and ATM layers have been modified into a new layer identifying Locations. This layer also now includes an option to indicate LPOs or Loan Production Offices. An edit option has been added to allow you to modify the fill color, line color and marker size of the location icon along with an option to display the location labels as well.

Manual Geocoding and Application Detail Maps

These functions will now also access updated Maps 2.0 functionality, including displaying the census tract borders and labels for more accurate manual geocoding.

Opportunity Zones

A new layer has been added to identify Opportunity Zones as defined US Dept of the Treasury. This layer contains areas designated as an economically-distressed community where new investments may be eligible for preferential treatment and possible CRA credit.


All Loans Goal Type

You can now utilize the Goals module to track all lending in a targeted geography by utilizing an “ALL” Goal Type under the HMDA or CRA categories. This option will include all lending in the region regardless of individual loan type.

Loan Amount Goal Measures

Goals can also now be set by target Loan Amounts in addition to Loan Counts. Selecting this new measure will default your Goal to a target dollar amount and evaluate your institution’s performance by lending volume.


Map Review Notes

The Map Review section of the summary screen in a Redlining Analysis has been enhanced to allow users to add notes regarding specific findings of a review to document the reasons for the decision as to the map status for the target geography.

Streamlined Maps 2.0

Redlining Maps will now exclusively be generated in the Maps 2.0 structure. The removal of the old mapping capabilities results in a faster and more efficient analysis run.

Fair Lending

Focal Point Model & Analysis

A new model has been added to the Fair Lending module that will allow users to run multiple 2-factor T-Tests and Difference of Means test in a single analysis run. This analysis will produce a report showing all statistical significance for a class category across all measures included in the model to more easily identify categories of concern. This model has been created in a standardized format for all institutions with Fair Lending access to include a Denial Disparity test, an Average APR test, and an Average Note Rate test.

Dynamic Variable Inclusions

Dynamic Variables will now be included in the standard Data Quality analysis where at least one instance of a positive dynamic variable is found. Dynamic variables can also now be utilized within a Matched Pair model to expand the elimination of false positives and more easily identify similarly situated records.


Institution Management

A new feature granting additional administrative privileges is now available. Specific users can be designated as institution admins and access a new Manage Institution menu. This menu allows users to customize their locations, including adding, removing, and updating branch locations. Branches can also now be loaded from the FDIC Statement of Deposit data.

Administrative users can also now create the institution’s User-Defined Fields and create and implement User-Defined Codes from this new menu. Please note the Institution Management feature is a restricted permission. In order to receive access to this feature, a primary user will need to specify the individuals to be granted this permission in an email to riskexec.support@asurity.com.

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