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RiskExec has updated the default color of the water layer to a shade of blue. However, users still have the ability to customize the color of the water on a map.
RiskExec has added two additional layers to Maps. The first layer is the MSA/MD (FFIEC) layer. When turned on, this layer will highlight the Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) and Metropolitan Divisions (MDs) as defined by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC). The layer includes the adjustments that were made for 2019 to reflect the new MSAs and county changes. It also includes the geocoding changes that were proposed for submission. The second layer that RiskExec has added is the MSAs (OMB) layer. This layer highlights the MSAs boundaries as defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
When a user applies an Assessment Area layer to a map, they now have the option to add a grayscale or white scale theme to the tracts outside of that Assessment Area. This monochromatic theme will help differentiate that Assessment Area when a primary and/or secondary theme has been applied. The theme will appear when the user has selected “Apply themes only in Assessment Areas” under map themes and then has selected “Apply primary theme in greyscale outside of Assessment Area.”
Report Format
RiskExec has updated its custom report formatting feature in the Application/ Loan List. Users are now able to set a saved report format as their default. This ensures that the order of the fields selected for the default report format will initialize every time they access the Application/ Loan List. Institutional administrators have the ability to set a default report format for all users of their institution. Users can also delete a saved format. Additionally, within the Application List setup, the fields have been grouped and a search feature has been added.
Matched Pair
When a Regression analysis is run it produces two different classifications: Classification 1 and Classification 2. For a Decisioning Regression, Classification 1 uses outlier records that have been “incorrectly denied” compared to the total population. Whereas, Classification 2 uses outlier records that were “incorrectly approved” compared to the total population. Similarly, within the Pricing Regression, it will show “high” pricing and “low” pricing results. These results can now be used to run a Matched Pair/File Comparator model to narrow the focus of the search. When running a Matched Pair analysis, the user is presented with a list of Regressions that were run and is able to select either Type 1 or Type II which both correspond with the appropriate Classification in the original Regression that was run. However, please note that users should be mindful that the Matched Pair used for a Type I search should be set up differently than when a user sets up a Type II search.
RiskExec has added the option to create datasets in Fair Lending modules from either HMDA, CRA, or Geocoding files. This now applies to any of the Fair Lending types. So if a user is a Fair Lending Consumer, they can still pull a HMDA file into that analysis type.
RiskExec has added enhancements to its Peer Finder function, found in the Peer Analysis and Redlining modules. The peer finder now automatically sets the target institution as the user’s institution if their default Transmittal Sheet, LEI (HMDA), or Respondent ID (CRA) matches a Respondent ID in the peer data.
Additionally, users have the option to automatically exclude the target institution from the peer finder results. The respondent suggestions in the peer finder now include the filtered LAR count if a filter was applied during the setup process. This is particularly important because Respondent Peer Groups created for use in the Redlining module should NOT include the user’s institution in the list selected.
The RiskExec Goals module was created and released in early 2019. Users will now see that the Goals module has been enabled in their account. Should you wish to have full access to this module, please have your institution’s primary contact reach out to support@riskexec.com to request access.
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