RiskExec Release Notes - April 21, 2021

May 6, 2021
RiskExec Product Updates RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements: Peer AnalysisHMDA Peer Data Downloads  RiskExec is providing a way to download the HMDA Peer datasets by state.  The user will be able to select one state at a time and the data will download in a pipe-delimited file format into a […]

RiskExec Product Updates

RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements:

Peer Analysis
HMDA Peer Data Downloads 
RiskExec is providing a way to download the HMDA Peer datasets by state.  The user will be able to select one state at a time and the data will download in a pipe-delimited file format into a zip file.  This feature is being made available starting with the 2020 HMDA Modified LARs released on April 1, 2020 by the CFPB.
Reports There is a new report in the Peer Analysis module called the HMDA Respondent List.  This report allows a user to view the top 10, 25, 50, or total respondents by volume for a geographic area. The report can be filtered and shows the total count and total loan amounts for the selected peers.
RiskExec has added a new layer to Maps. This layer is called Military Installations which shows the boundaries of most military installations in the US.  To further clarify, the Census Bureau includes landmarks such as military installations in the MTDB for locating special features and to help enumerators during field operations. In 2012, the Census Bureau obtained the inventory and boundaries of most military installations from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) for Air Force, Army, Marine, and Navy installations and from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for Coast Guard installations.The military installation boundaries in this release represent the updates the Census Bureau made in 2012 in collaboration with the DoD.  Here is a link to the full data:   https://info.asurity.com/e/896191/nstallation-national-shapefile/8ydx/28537003?h=LpAkLtex6Ch-LYWbGs-IfMrIZhRR2B2M5v0EZOEL5bM  
Military Installations Layer in Maps
 RiskExec has added two new themes to Maps. The first theme is the Majority Asian Census Tract, or MACT, which shows census tracts with an Asian population greater than or equal to 50% of the total tract population. The second theme is High Asian Census Tract, or HACT, which shows census tracts with an Asian population greater than or equal to 80% of the total tract population.

Majority Asian Census Tract (MACT) Theme in Maps
High Asian Census Tract (HACT)Theme in Maps
Fair Lending 
Within the 2-Factor Proportions and Focal Points analysis results, RiskExec has added a hyperlink click through for users to access the loan level detail of the results.
Hyperlink to Loan List
When running a Pricing Regression analysis, if there are any records in your dataset with a value of NA, Exempt, or Empty for the dependent variable chosen in your Pricing Regression Model setup, RiskExec will now remove those records from the analysis. The number of records removed will be flagged in red in the Analysis Notes tab. In the example below, APR is the dependent variable. 223 records were removed from the analysis for having an APR with a value of NA.
Pricing Regression Analysis Notes
RiskExec has added a record list to the Fair Lending module that is similar to the application and loan lists available in the HMDA and CRA modules. When a user clicks through to the record list in the Fair Lending module, they will be able to select the fields and field order that they would like to review.  Please note, that the user will not be able to click through to the application detail from the Fair Lending record list.  

Record List in Fair Lending  
The Download Datasets tab in the Fair Lending module has been expanded to give three options as needed.  If the dataset contains 500,000 or less records, there will be an option of “Download Dataset Full.” If the dataset contains at least 50,000 records, there will be an option of “Download Dataset Mini.” This option will show the first 1,000 records in the dataset.  The third option is to “Download Dataset Schema,” which will show the structure of the files that are downloaded in the first two options of “Download Dataset Full” or “Download Dataset Mini.”  

Download Dataset
On the Peer or Market results tab of a Redlining analysis, a user will now have the ability to access a list of the tracts within each in-scope geographic area. The in-scope geographies will be hyperlinked and when a user clicks on the link, it will open a new window that will display the State, County, Census Tract, LMI marker, MMCT marker, Institution Record Volume, Peer Record Volume, and the Market Record Volume for the selected geography.

Hyperlinked In-Scope Geography  
Tract List  
Please note that the tract information per in-scope geography will only be available for analyses run after this release (4/21/21).  Should you like to view this information on an older analysis, a user will need to click “Rerun Analysis.”  

Miscellaneous ​​​​​
RiskExec wanted to share the Guide to HMDA Reporting from the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council: https://info.asurity.com/e/896191/hmda-pdf-2021Guide-pdf/8ydz/28537003?h=LpAkLtex6Ch-LYWbGs-IfMrIZhRR2B2M5v0EZOEL5bM

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