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To enhance your RiskExec user experience, we are exploring new ways to connect with you, including launching user groups in 2025. To facilitate this, we are requesting your help with some questions regarding RiskExec. Click here to access the survey and share more about your institution, your plans for the coming year, and your interest in user groups.
On December 16, 2024, the federal bank regulatory agencies, as members of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) announced the availability of the 2023 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) peer data. RiskExec has been updated with this dataset. Click here for more information about this dataset.
User Interface Now Available
RiskExec offers an API that allows users to automatically ingest data into, or extract data out of, RiskExec files and datasets. For more information on our API functionality and how to receive access to it, please reach out to support@riskexec.com.
Users can now manage their own API keys and API settings from within RiskExec. If your institution has access to the RiskExec API, your institution’s Primary Users will be able to grant users access to the API Management area of RiskExec.
Manage API Keys - This section is only available for Primary Users. Here, Primary Users can create and delete API keys, which are used for API authentication.
Manage Ingest Settings - This section is available to users who have been granted the Manage API Settings Role. This Role allows users to create new Ingest IDs.
Manage Extract Settings - This section is available to users who have been granted the Manage API Settings Role. This Role allows users to create new Extract IDs.
Analysis Results
The Variance column name in the Redlining Analysis results has been changed to Difference to more accurately describe the data in that column.
Batch Operation: Generate Unique Identifier (UID)
A new Batch Operation has been added that allows users to batch generate the Unique Identifiers (UIDs) for their records.
Manage Custom Edit Checks Update
Two new options have been added to the Manage Custom Edit Checks tool for coded fields. When creating an edit check that includes a coded field, users can now choose:
Borrower LMI Update
A new classification has been added that allows users to test fairness performance levels for Borrower Income, where borrowers in the combined low-plus-moderate income (LMI) categories are compared to borrowers in the middle-plus-upper income (Non-LMI) categories. This is in addition to the Borrower Income Level classification that tests each of the income levels, individually.
Learn more about how this integration can help you save time and become more efficient.
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