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RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements:
2023 Submission Videos
2023 Submission walkthrough videos have been published to the Help Center for HMDA and CRA.
Advanced Redlining Analysis Update
The RiskExec Redlining module had previously been updated to allow users to elect to have RiskExec automatically select respondents to be used as peers for Assessment Area geography peer analysis. An additional filtering option has been added to the Advanced Analysis setup for cases where an institution wants to identify peers using a different criteria than the analysis filters.
New Date Conversion
DD-MM-YYYY has been added as an additional date conversion in the Dynamic Import Wizard. To utilize this option, click on the Transform button on the Review and Edit Mapping screen. Then, choose the DD-MM-YYYY translation and click Accept.
Banking Markets Layer
The Banking Markets Layer has been updated. The updates include some banking market definitions and their corresponding shapefiles in the 1st and 11th District of the Federal Reserve System.
Rankings by Respondent Report
Combined Race and Combined Ethnicity have been added as categories to the Rankings by Respondent Report.
Focal Point Model Parameters
The Model Parameters report for a Focal Point model will now display the sub-models that are included in it. To review the Model Parameters, click on a model and choose Model Parameters in the side menu and the Included sub-models will be listed at the bottom of the report.
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