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RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements: |
HMDA Module IRS Report The RiskExec HMDA IRS report has been updated to more accurately match the report generated by the CFPB on submitted data. |
CRA Module New Report: Distribution of Loans Inside Versus Outside the Assessment Area(s) A new Compliance Report has been added to the CRA module called Distribution of Loans Inside Versus Outside the Assessment Area(s). This report is designed to produce results similar to those from the official FFIEC CRA DES system. |
HMDA and CRA Modules New Upload Icon When a user selects the option “Do not attach this upload to a file” on the Upload Data screen, the data file is made available for import in all HMDA or CRA files, regardless of the file year. |
Assessment Areas Module Tracts Demographics Report Users now have the ability to filter the Tracts Demographics Report by MMCT, MBCT, MHCT, or MBHCT. |
Peer Analysis Module HMDA Rankings by Respondent Report This report will now highlight your institution so it can be easily located within the respondent list. |
Fair Lending Module Difference of Means Model The Difference of Means model has been enhanced to calculate a p-Value. This aligns this model to other Fair Lending tests as now all statistical significance will be judged using a p-Value. Similar to other Fair Lending tests, the p-Value is now displayed in the analysis results and rows are highlighted in the appropriate color if the significance is noted. |
Learn more about how this integration can help you save time and become more efficient.
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