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Summary of Deposits Data Update The FDIC Summary of Deposits data for June 2022 has been loaded into RiskExec. |
Redlining Analysis Module CSAs and CBSAs Now Available for Redlining Analyses When setting up a Streamlined or Advanced Analysis, users can now choose an Assessment Area Set that is composed of, or includes, areas defined as CSAs or CBSAs. |
Assessment Areas Module New Report: Families Below Poverty Level By LMI This report can either be run to show Families or Households below poverty, by LMI. |
HMDA and CRA Modules Census Tract Demographics Screen Update The formatting of the census tract demographics screens in HMDA and CRA has been updated to include demographic markers for LMI, MMCT, MBCT, MHCT, MBHCT, HMCT, HBCT, HHCT, and HBHCT. Users can access these screens two ways: 1. Select the Geocode an Address menu option to review the census demographic data for any address in the United States. 2. Click on the Census Tract Demographics tab in the application detail page (in HMDA) or loan detail page (in CRA) for any record in your file. |
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