While neither candidate for president has really focused on housing and fair lending laws during his campaign, no matter who takes office in 2021, the future of housing finance could look quite different over the next few years.
While neither candidate for president has really focused on housing and fair lending laws during his campaign, no matter who takes office in 2021, the future of housing finance could look quite different over the next few years.
Loan servicers currently operate between a rock and a hard place. Borrowers want high-quality service. Regulators demand that products and services are provided fairly and equitably.
Lenders should make sure all their fair-lending policies, procedures, and documentation remain fresh, are actively used, and are effective.
Insights from President Dr. Anurag Agarwal on how to streamline the redlining analysis process.
Prescribing everyday solutions rather than one-time band-aids can yield a business infrastructure which is always forward-looking.