RiskExec Release Notes, February 10, 2021

February 11, 2021
RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements.

RiskExec Release Notes


RiskExec has updated its Redlining module to include Payment Protection Plan (PPP) loan data as a new Data Type.  In addition to existing HMDA and CRA options, now when a user creates a Redlining dataset, they are given the option to choose PPP as a Data Type to be analyzed. If the user selects PPP as their Data Type, they are then given the option to choose data that was directly uploaded to the Redlining module, data from the CRA (for most cases the institution should be keeping the PPP data in a RiskExec CRA file) module, or they can choose to merge existing PPP datasets in the module to create a new dataset to be analyzed.

In order to include public peer data as a factor in a Redlining analysis, the user must first set up a PPP Respondent Group in the Peer Analysis module and select the institutions that they would like to include.

The user may then select that PPP group in the Redlining analysis setup.

NOTE:  The RiskExec geocoding results on the public PPP data was subject to the quality of the address data provided on the SBA application, i.e. P.O. Box or other non-physical address information being used. Due to this, the RiskExec PPP peer data may vary from an institution’s internal PPP data set where a full physical address may have been available for geocoding.  For this reason, it is recommended that institutions use a three-line comparison for internal reporting of PPP performance and peer comparison:

  • PPP Peer Aggregate Data
  • PPP Peer Institution Data
  • PPP Actual Institution Data

Redlining Results Summary

The Redlining Results Summary tab has been organized so that the geographies that contain the most factors with a “May require further review” are ordered by the total.  Additionally, there is a new column titled “Review Count” that indicates the number of factors in the analysis that may require further review for a given geography.

Assessment Areas

Users are now able to create an Assessment Area with the radius tool’s Tract Demographics Report and add it to an existing Assessment Area Set using any map in RiskExec.

To do so, a user can click on the radius tool and draw their desired radius.

A user can then open the Tract Demographics report and select the tracts they want to include in their new Assessment Area.

Select the Assessment Area Set you want your new area added to and give the area a name. Clicking "Create Area" will add this new Assessment Area to the selected Assessment Area Set.

Manage Institution

The User-Defined Fields and User-Defined Codes sections of the Manage Institution tab are now organized into tabs for easier navigation.

Batch Geocoding

Users can now control who has access to files in the Batch Geocoding module. A user with Administrator access to a file can adjust permissions for that file using the "File Access" option in the side menu.


We have upgraded the engine that performs our Dynamic Import process to automatically resolve some common problems in data files, give better feedback to the user about problems with the data that may prevent a successful import, and provide better performance when importing large data files.

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Anurag Agarwal, PhD

President, RiskExec

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