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RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements:
RiskExec has updated the Tract Demographics report that is available as part of the RiskExec Maps tool. The report now includes a column showing the count of Records per tract displayed in the report. The count does not exclude any records that are filtered out in the Maps Filters.
The Crosstab Report has been updated with the option to select the “Respondent” name to be displayed in the row of the Peer Analysis module. This will be updated for all Crosstab reports run on HMDA peer data years 2018 and going forward.
Within the results for a Regression analysis, we have updated the color coding and font that displays the p-Value and Count One results.
A search function has been added to Batch Geocoder to enable users to easily locate their geocoded file
When a user clicks on the RiskExec logo found in the upper left hand corner of all pages in the system, they will be taken to the main RiskExec landing page.
To access the full Release Notes, please log into RiskExec and visit the Help Center.
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