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Complex Filter Capabilities
The RiskExec filter has been enhanced to include “ALL” or “ANY” options. Users can now drag a criteria into the “ANY” category if a criteria across multiple similar data points is desired.
For example, a user may filter for “Application Date Between 1/1/2018 and 3/31/2018” and add a separate filter for “Action Date Between 2/1/2018 and 6/30/2018.” Leaving these criteria in the defaulted “ALL” section would identify records applied for during Q1 AND actioned during Q2. A user may now drag these two criteria to the “ANY” category to identify records applied for during Q1 OR actioned during Q2, thereby capturing more records.
Users can also now select the “Preview Query” button to review the constructed filter.
Change Log Filtering
Filters can now be applied to the change log to review only loans meeting a targeted criteria that have been issued a change in the selected date range.
Executive Summary Reports
Totals and corresponding row percentages have been added to each individual data point section within the Executive Summary Report.
Interagency Core Tables
The Core Tables reports have been updated to give users the options to include or exclude NA tracts from the reports. If NA tracts are excluded, lending in these tracts will not be counted in the total percentages for the institution’s data AND the peer data, and will appear as 0s in the report. The remaining percentages will be reflective only of lending within categorized tracts.
Significance Threshold
Users can now select the significance threshold used to control highlighting indicators for statistical significance within analyses. The default setting remains at the 95% significance threshold, meaning p-values at or below .05 will be considered statistically significant. Changing this to the 90% significance threshold would highlight p-values at or below .10, generally resulting in more areas being indicated as statistically significant.
NA Tract Treatment
Users can also select whether to include or exclude NA tracts in lending percentage calculations. As in the Core Tables update noted above, if NA tracts are excluded, lending in these tracts will not be counted in the total percentages. The reported percentages will be reflective only of lending within categorized tracts.
High Concentration Categories
Categories in which the tract population exists in the 80-100% range have now been added as options for focus areas in the Redlining Analysis module.
Data Type Options
Users can now select from a variety of Fair Lending Types to identify the appropriate structure for the dataset to be reviewed. Each data type contains specific fields generally relevant to that type of lending activity along with the institution’s specific User Defined fields as built for Fair Lending review purposes. Once a Fair Lending Type is selected, all Datasets, Models and Analyses are then restricted and displayed only for that type.
Additional Statistical Measures Added
Multiple measures of statistical significance have been added to certain Fair Lending tests. Users can now review the p-value, the Chi Square (2-tailed Chi Square without Yates correction, and a Z-stat (2-tailed). Significance will still be measured by the p-value at the corresponding significance threshold set at the analysis set up. The other measures should be closely reflective of significance noted from the p-value. The z-stat is the appropriate statistical measure when testing difference of proportions in two populations. A t-test is still used when difference of means are being tested.
Redlining Analysis Maps
Maps 2.0 will now generate automated maps within a Redlining Analysis for individual county, MSA and state geographies included in the review. Maps will automatically zoom to the targeted geography and have the default theme setting applied, however the maps retain the interactive nature of Maps 2.0 and individual adjustments can be made to the map features. This feature is not yet available for the “HIGH” category themes or Assessment Area geographies, which will be added in a future release.
Branches In Assessment Area Maps
Users can now view their branch locations in Assessment Area maps if the branches have been previously loaded to RiskExec.
Layer and Theme Descriptions
Users can now review an explanation of an individual layer or theme of Maps 2.0 by hovering over a specific selection in the drop-down menu for either of these components.
Assessment Area Theme Shading
Themes shading can now be isolated to within an individual assessment area only. If this option is turned on, all areas outside of the assessment area will remain unshaded in the map.
Automated Location Zoom
A search bar has been added to the top right corner of Maps 2.0 that allows users to select a specific State, MSA or County to direct the system to automatically zoom to the identified area.
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